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Adding New AWS AMI to Launch Template.


Use Case:

Creating an AMI from a server where modifications have been made which you then want to roll out via a Launch Template that is attached to a Auto Scaling Group.

Step 1:

Go to your EC2 Instances and select the server that you want to take a new AMI from (My-Master-Server).AWS ec2 instance list

Step 2:

Right click on your "master" server, select Image and click on Create Image.Create AMI from EC2

Step 3:

Give your image a name (my-master-image-v2), then click on Create Image.AMI options screenAMI creation confirmation

Step 4:

Right click on the new image and select Add/Edit Tags in order to tag your image with a relevant name (my-master-image-v2).

AMI listAMI tags editAMI tags screen

Step 5:

Click on Launch Templates in the left hand column under Instances.AWS Launch Templates

Step 6:

Click on the Launch Template you want to modify.Select AWS launch template

Step 7:

Select Actions and click on Modify template (Create new version).Modify Launch Template

Step 8:

Under the Amazon machine image (AMI) section, search for the AMI that was created (my-master-image-v2). Once the new AMI has selected, scroll down and click on Create template version.AMI SearchSearch AMI
Create Template Version

Step 9:

If your Auto Scaling Group is set with Launch Template Version $Latest, all new instances rolled out by this ASG will have be built with the new AMI.

View ASG



